(Note: Extracted from an email between Polaris/Northern Dragons to Syntax/Northern Dragons Tue, 6 Jul 2004) NOTE: this is in regards to the j3d source code. --- start --- It's possible for to put together an application in Java 3d in under 4kb. My experiments for an interactive application have been under the 2kb mark. 1,644 bytes for the "simpledemo", 2,078 bytes for the material demo. [as jar's] Step #1 - Download the java sdk. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html [This one: J2SE v 1.4.2_05 SDK includes the JVM technology] Step #2 - Download the J3D environment http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/download.html [select PROCEED WITHOUT LOGIN] Java 3D for Windows (DirectX Version) SDK for the JDK (includes Runtime) (java3d-1_3_1-windows-i586-directx-sdk.exe, 6.52 MB) Install that too. Now.. the majour pain with the source code - is that they are saved as rtf files. Don't ask me why. Load them three .java files in word or wordpad, and save them as text files again. Wordpad will probable save your .java files as .txt; so you might have to delete the .java file, and rename.txt files to .java files. In addition - the code will freak out looking for package org.pilone.j3ddemo;. In each.java file - comment that line out // Once you've reverted them to plain text; you can compile them. You will probably want to add C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\bin to your path. To complile: javac filename.java Once compiled; you will get a .class file. You can run them but you must run them as follows [Replace behavior demo with what have you]. java -classpath "." BehaviorDemo If you error - you might get this: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BehaviorDemo/class Make sure you didn't type: java -classpath "." BehaviorDemo.class If you get: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BehaviorDemo (wrong name: org/pilone/j3ddemo/BehaviorDemo) Then you neglected to comment out the package name. Compressing to a jar file is pretty simple too. All you need to do is make a manifest file. These are called manifest.mft. For Material demo it looks exactly like this: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: MaterialDemo Classpath: .\MaterialDemo.jar jar cvfm MaterialDemo.jar manifest.mft MaterialDemo.class Looks like it uses zip compression. Anyway - useable.. possibly. Interesting to play with.. 4 sure :-)